Michelle Guiliano - Line by Line Indexing

Some facts about my indexing business and process:

1  I’ve indexed over 125,00 pages in more than 300 books since 2014.

2. Four of the first five books I indexed were over 1000 pages long. I’m a fast learner!

3. My background is in the sciences – medicine specifically. I ran my own medical practice with my husband for more than 10 years.

4. I index more than just medical and science books.  Here’s an eclectic selection:

5. I read every book that I indexer from cover to cover–at least TWICE. The first time through, I employ the old-school method of marking up the book with a modern twist: on my iPad. Then  I read the book for the second time as I prepare the index.  Sometimes a third pass through the book is necessary to consolidate concepts and themes.

6. My indexing process is paper-free.

7. Today, I use five software programs to produce one quality index. Thirty-five years ago, indexers used only index cards and an electric typewriter. I don’t know how they managed.

Find out more about my indexing business and my rates here.

Arts and Humanities
History, Media studies
Economy, politics and law
Business, Finance and taxation
Health and medicine
Medicine and pharmacology, Alternative health, Psychology and mental health, Health Care
Industry and technology
Communications, Information services and technology
International studies
United States
Lifestyle and Leisure
Fashion, Food and drink, Gardening, Animals and pets, Interior design and decorating, Sports, fitness, and recreation, Travel and tourism, Personal development
Biological sciences, Chemistry, Earth sciences, Mathematics and statistics, Information science, Veterinary medicine and animal science
Materials - Books
Scholarly books, Trade monographs, Biographies and memoirs, Art and photography, Children and young adult, Cookbooks, Guidebooks, Textbooks, Manuals and how-to books, Software and technical manuals, Catalogues and directories, Encyclopedias, dictionaries, and glossaries
Materials - Other
Reports, Periodicals and almanacs, Atlases/maps/plans, Personal files and correspondence, Pictures and illustrations, Transcripts and minutes
Other Skills
Consulting, Teaching/training